Fuel Pathway
Maturity Map
Decarbonizing the maritime sector requires multiple sustainable fuel pathways, and enabling these new fuel pathways relies on development in all parts of the value chain. The MMMCZCS Fuel Pathway Maturity Map offers an interactive overview of the current (2024) value chain readiness for the sustainable fuels that we expect to be most important in decarbonizing the maritime sector by 2050.
The map provides a high-level overview as well as detailed descriptions of progress and challenges to anyone interested in the ‘state of the union' for sustainable fuel pathway development. Hover over each tile in the map to see a brief explanation of the rationale behind the maturity level, or click on a tile to view its full description.
The fuels on the map have been shortlisted based on current expectations regarding scalability, sustainability, technology development, and commercial viability. While other alternative energy solutions for maritime exist, we currently consider them less likely to play a significant role in decarbonizing the maritime sector by 2050.
The maturity levels in this map are a technological assessment of readiness for maritime use and should not be interpreted as recommendations.
Solutions are enabled and ready to scale.
Solutions exist, but further development is needed.
Solutions are not fully developed or lack specification.